Friday, June 29, 2007


Melbourne road trip finale update

A post-update on the Melbourne trip. This summed up our holidays in Melbourne before my sister's wedding bash (to be continued in the next posting ...)

PENGUIN PARADE on Phillip Island

"Look at those people on the beach waiting for ages, I wonder why?" asked one penguin.
"I don't know ..." replied another.
(After a while.) "They look like they are waiting for something to appear?"
"Maybe they are waiting for the sunset? ..."
(Silence for minutes.)
"Guess what ... we are also waiting!"
(Pause) "Yeah right, what for?"
"We are waiting to meet the humans of course!"

While waiting for the arrival of the penguins, Lewis and I thought of silly conversations like these to amuse ourselves. Thanks to the moulting season (a time when the penguins start to grow new feathers) , we saw about 20 penguins in total (as opposed to tens or hundreds of them normally) and Morgan was indeed lucky to rub shoulders with an extraordinarily large one!


Pensive white waves,
Blue sky and sea.
Gulls and stars
fill the sands with,
a penny for your thoughts.

Kungfu Master in his own element ....

before a coffee-break stop by the bay of Mornington Crescent.


Beach play in sarong & being daddy's toy ... I mean, boy!

The amazing Twelve Apostles .... at sunset.

An overnight cabin stay. View of cabin-site from a hill.

Adventurous Singaporean cyclists spotted admiring the London Arch (formerly known as the London Bridge before the collapse of land section. Some stranded tourists had to be air-lifted eventually)!!!

A run-up to the winery before dark. Spidey baby gets to the top!

Monday, June 25, 2007


First steps

Hi all, sorry to have stayed off blogging about Morgan for so long - how could I, I know! As you can see from our picture, we have to make the most of summer before it's gone! Also we have received ample threats of complaint from disappointed Singapore fans for our incredible lack of news. Well life goes on with Morgan - eating, sleeping and now walking!

Check out Morgan the Mountaineer

and Morgan's first steps sighted on 30 May 2007 ....

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


MIA aka missing in action

Sorry we've been gone for ages ...... but we're still here ok!
Morgan started walking towards daddy when he came home one evening 2 weeks ago and there's no stopping him since! He's very able with his little feet, going pitter patter everywhere on his own. Alright alright, video of Morgan coming up next!!!

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