Saturday, October 27, 2007


Why we didn't make jam this year ...

Every year, it is almost a ritual for Lewis to make jam but this year has been quite exceptional.

We couldn't collect enough plums or raspberries to do it! No prizes for guessing where the fruit has disappeared to ...

Note : Plum fruit in pictures contains stone - later evidence (photo on the right) shall reveal that this child is totally capable of spitting out or retaining stone, for future disposal purpose, even while sleeping!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Autumn Leaves

I can't tell you how horrible it feels in this day and age to lose internet connection but this happened to us for almost a week! I was totally handicapped and couldn't blog for ages. To relieve my suffering from blog-turkey, I found other ways to expend my extra energies. How grateful I was when I found more time to 1. spring-clean my attic, 2. swop out my summer clothes for winter ones, 3. work in the garden, 4. recycle those empty bottles left over from summer's previous parties - huh huh, deep joy! All of these jobs might still be pending for a long time if my internet connection hadn't broken down!

We had a couple of weekend trips since the last update.

We made an interesting visit to the The Big Pit (Pwll Mawr) near Newport, South Wales. I have visited a few Welsh mines myself but this was the first time I went underground - with a helmet and all! There were a couple of working miners talking us through the walk. We went down under in a group and were shown areas where miners, their wives, children and even animals, had spent their lives digging for coal. Some sad stories evolved and many visitors were in fact locals whose father, grandfather or relative had been a coal-miner. It was an eye-opening experience altogether. As Morgan was too young to go down the mine, he headed off with daddy instead to look for more adventurous expeditions.

The next weekend, we went to visit Aunty Gwen in Cirencester. We met up with Morgan's uncle David and cousin Daniel who took us to the local museum and playground (highlight of the day for Morgan!). Morgan spotted a traditional Roman look with his helmet and play-spear in the Corinium Museum.

The park, next to where Aunty Gwen lives, makes a lovely walk with all its trees and fallen autumn leaves. As you will see in the pictures, the leaves had already fallen. However I so enjoyed the feeling of 'falling leaves' that I dramatically picked a handful of leaves from the ground and spontaneously threw them in the air so as to recreate that mood. I believe Morgan was just looking at me blankly at first but eventually followed suit. We had lots of fun with the leaves for a while then!

Our latest weekend in Aberystwyth was well-spent with the grandparents. Thanks for the lovely Thai meal that uncle Hywel and aunty Julie gave us before leaving for America for 3 weeks! We are sure that you will be enjoying some quality time with the family - send them our regards in America ;)

Two nice fresh days of crisp Autumn air by the beach doing nothing except eating ice-cream and watching the tide roll in. Yes, we will be back soon!

Sunday, October 07, 2007


Monkey and members of the family

Filmed on 27 Sept 07.
Morgan was able to say 猴 子 hou zi (monkey) though not very clearly. Since then, he attempted at animal names like 狮 子 shi zi (lion) and 兔 子 tu zi (rabbit) - which was super cute!!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


You know when summer's over ...

Summer is great for picnics on the Malvern Hills - flask of tea, packed sandwiches and a lovely free view of the rolling countryside. Coming from a country of high humidity, flat land and small city shops, I never thought much of being on top of a hill or walking for fresh air. Morgan on the other hand, is a big fan of the hills. He enjoys the fresh air and picking berries (he picks his own!), then rolling on the side of the hill and having a laugh!

Unlike his mummy, he's not one to be afraid of heights!

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