Tuesday, February 27, 2007
70s Hip

At Lewis's Dress-70s works-party, it's a night of 'Punk (&) Rocker(s) with Flowers in my Hair'. My weak attempts to look like cool Siouxsie and the Banshees ended up looking like some 80s "歌台" ge-tai or stage-performer for the popular 7-month hungry-ghost festival in Singapore, or even worse like a night-prowler on the streets of Soho. I should have invested in better-quality eye-makeup and hairspray! Lewis decided to go in his made-in-Malaysia flower-power shirt that he would normally not be found dead in! Compared to lots of other people that night, we both looked pretty normal I think.

Some excellent makeovers include - a strange duo from Burgess's Clockwork Orange, some American punks, ....

and my favourite is this pimp in super-big hair! And I mean BIG hair. That velvety red costume with zebra stripes, matching my pink-leopard skirt, and the frills to thrill ... he should have been awarded the best 70s costume for the night. A true 70s star .... !