Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Sarong Singapore

Sorry for the lack of news recently. We've had too many happenings over the weekend - going to the zoo with 公 公 (gong gong), party at 婆 婆 's (po po) house, and since last week 太 婆 (tai po or Morgan's great-grandmother) was hospitalised for a few days due to her persistent cough that led to a very mild heart failure. Anyway, 太 婆 has been discharged today and she is looking good. Unfortunately she does not feel as well as she looks, and still more pictures coming up ....

Aunty Jenny from Labuan has also just arrived over the weekend and we spent a day out with her at Harbour Front. Met up with many of my old schoolmates from university too - some are married, some are still single; some have kids, some rather have cars; but I believe most of us have changed though some of us seem never to age!

First of all, some lovely pictures of Morgan in swing-Singapore style. Oops, I promised 婆 婆 to put this up ages ago! ....

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