Friday, August 03, 2007


petit cheri

I think the previous flood posting must have caused a few panic buttons to go. Therefore to reassure everyone, we are doing really fine ON the Malvern Hills. If it starts to flood up here, I believe most of England would be underwater, so not likely to happen lah! We've just started to have much better weather this week but it's not quite as good as what we had in March and April, just when we were away in Singapore! Always the way isn't it?

By the way Morgan's mummy had been down with a bad cold - sorethroat, headache, the lot! I've been stuck in bed a lot last week and strangely got listening to Bryan Ferry & Roxy Music, feeling like a soppy teenager again with tissue-bits stuffed up my nose! Old favourites like 'Slave to Love' and 'Oh yeah' still pulls a chordstring in my heart - talking about it now makes me feel incredibly old you know! Besides what really got mummy well in the end are Morgan's little kisses (o petit cheri!) which he faithfully gives every morning and night and whenever you ask for it! What will I do without my little darling?

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