Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Morgan - 17 months

It's amazing when I think about what a baby at less than 1.5 years old could do. After the stage of weaning, crawling and learning to walk, we've also noticed that Morgan's baby-babble has progressed to a comprehensible pattern of one-word speeches in the last 3 months. His favourite Mandarin words are 花 hua (flower) and ma (horse) where he inevitably shouts out to you when he sees one on a book or picture or on the street. To add onto the list, there's also 鸭 ya (duck), 猫 mao (cat), 狗 gou (dog) and 蛇 she (snake) whose sounds of those animals he could also identify.

But his current favourite has got to be 谢谢 xie xie (thank you). Although he doesn't say it all that clearly, he says it to anyone who offers him anything. Let's hope he'll continue to be this polite throughout his life!!!!

At first we had some contemplation about what language to speak to him first and who should speak what. We also wondered if it was confusing for Morgan to learn about the same things in 2 or 3 different languages at the same time. At the moment, he could point up to 8 different parts of the head and the body in Welsh and Mandarin. At first he always mixed up 'troed' (leg) and 'trwyn' (nose) but very soon later he got them right. And then he learnt that the stomach in Mandarin is called 肚 子 du zi. So whenever I mentioned rabbit which is 兔 子 tu zi, he would point to his stomach! Yet he had hardly any trouble understanding the word bola as being 'stomach' in welsh. And we haven't even got to the bit where a word "iâr "(pronounced as ya) is 'hen' in Welsh and could mean 'duck' in Mandarin. That would be fun huh!

I guess the really important thing is that he's learning to say lots - even if its just gibberish! Besides I think his vocabulary is amazing considering his age. After all I reckon his Mandarin would surpass his daddy in a years' time! Daddy - what say you?
Hi Pat,

It sounds Morgan is really into learning different languages. Hope by the time, I have a chance to meet him, the little cutie can have a conversation in Mandarin with me.

Yes, sometimes we need to push our partner to learn our languages, too.

I think he is absolutely into chatting at the moment which is very funny! But whatever language he should choose to speak in the future is really up to him. At least we've tried to give him the exposure when he's young.

Well, it won't be long before YOUR little one will have a conversation with you and Mike in both English and Mandarin, at the same time!

morgan's mummy
I and Mike have different ideas about languages already. For example, when dog's barking, in Chinese it is "wang wang" (汪汪), but Mike insists that it should sound like "woof woof". So we'd went through some words for sounds, and found some are very different. So you can compare the differences between chinese with Lewis' Welsh, in fact, it could have lots fun. We will all insist on those we had learnt when we were young.

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