Monday, December 17, 2007


The magic of Christmas

Christmas is only about a week ahead. Lots of playgroups are getting kids to make Christmas crafty stuff such as their own cards and party hats. The build-up to Christmas for kids is always an exciting one 'cos lots of parties are happening all over the place! Morgan's already been to 3 parties and met Father Christmas twice ... so much for the magic of Christmas huh? No wonder kids these days don't really buy into the idea of Father Christmas anymore.

At our local playgroup, Morgan's been learning to make his daddy a super Christmas poster, with glittery stars and paints.

However in less than 2 minutes of sitting down, Morgan gave up on using his paintbrush and resumed his play with tractors and train tracks. So we never managed to get this Christmas poster finished !!!

When Father Christmas made an entrance at the Rainbow Club playgroup, Morgan and his playmate Sarah, who's turning 2 by the end of Dec, weren't sure what to make of it all.

I personally feel that at this age, they still can't appreciate Father Christmas as much as the junior kids. Quite a few little ones were just mortified to see this huge-bellied red-suited white-bearded man-looking creature ... striding about the room booming out 'ho ho ho' to them all while giving away presents. It just seemed all too strange and scary to the little ones!
Sarah and Morgan both eventually received their pressies and Morgan wasn't terribly impressed with Father Christmas. Still we had a great time at the party and I believe he particularly enjoyed the party food!
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