Thursday, February 14, 2008
Festive fun
Morgan meets his great-grandparents, paternal and maternal :
Morgan goes marketing with 婆 婆 on the shopping trolley in the morning and spending time with 公 公 in the evenings.
Morgan with mummy on the piano and still mad about choo-choo trains!
Morgan learning to use a pair of chopsticks during "捞 起".
Wency 阿 姨 and Shawn 叔 叔's friends and family came over for "捞 起" (lo hei) - a traditional authentic Chinese must-do dish over the new year. This colourful dish in the middle of the table is made up of various shredded vegetables such as purple cabbage, carrots, peppers etc and later to be mixed in an exotic plum sweet sauce with shellfish and abalone or some sort of raw fish. Everybody gathers round the table and mixes this colourful salad platter using their chopsticks, voicing auspicious ampulets as they go along. This food-mixing ceremony carries on with voices and chopsticks high in the air - to signify a year moving onto greater heights - before everybody is ready to settle down and consume the food.
Morgan meets his cousin David and playing with cars that 婆 婆 bought him from the local sundry shops opposite our flat.