Sunday, February 10, 2008


The Homecoming

Morgan and mummy are now in the midst of the Chinese New Year celebrations with all the family at home. Very happy indeed!!!
We have also been looking forward to spending more time with 太 婆 (Morgan's great-grandmother) who's now confined to the bed and isn't very well. Hopefully Morgan's presence will cheer her up!

5 Feb, Tuesday

The journey from Malvern to Singapore was one long ride. We did very well ... considering that I was anxious and worried many nights before about organising our luggage, money, tickets and planning the journey of taking Morgan by myself on the train and the airplane.

Morgan and mummy on Central Trains to Birmingham from Great Malvern.

It was wet weather all day. The journey was okay but as usual Birmingham New Street station was just a nightmare. Although I was only lugging about 1 luggage bag, I was struggling around with unfriendly lifts in BNS and a baby in tow. I almost thought I was going to miss the connecting train when I arrived at the correct platform but the train I wanted had already left. Eventually we made it to the airport, in plenty of time.

We arrived at about 6pm and checked in with Emirates. Our flight route : Birmingham - Dubai - Singapore. We were not due to board till half 8 so we had plenty of time to kill. Morgan and I hung around the airport checking out the shops and playing peek-a-boo with Morgan's rubber-duckie aka "鸭 鸭" (ya ya).

Morgan managed to make friends with the Porsche salesgirl and was playing by the cars. It had this big sign - DO NOT TOUCH OR LEAN PLEASE - displayed but somehow he never got told off for anything. Not even when he managed to stuff his 鸭 鸭 into the exhaust pipe of a sliver Porsche.

We eventually boarded the plane. The first leg was do-able and Morgan was a saint. He slept like an angel for half the journey before we landed in Dubai. Although we were eligible for the use of a bassinet, unfortunately Morgan was too big for it at his age.

6 Feb, Wednesday

It was about 7:3o am when we got to Dubai. The food was really NOT great and we had minimal sleep. Morgan had a bit more than I did, and lucky for me, the Tomas train books from Daddy were great for distracting him away from distress.

Morgan got chatting with other passengers from our flight.

Dubai airport is huge and already crowded with people that morning. The connecting flight was packed with people - going to Singapore and Malaysia. We were not so lucky with seats so Morgan had to sleep on me throughout this leg. We spent the rest of the time either walking up and down the aisle to alleviate the boredom or chatting with the amicable stewards and stewardesses. Morgan made a few female friends after smiling randomly at some passengers, including an Iranian girl who was only 18 months old and constantly seeking his hugs and kisses.
We touched down at Changi Airport at 8:30 pm and my mother, father and sister were there to receive us. The warm breeze and humidity greeted us sweetly as we made our way through the exit doors of the airport towards the taxi stand. We are once again .. so happy to be back!

7 Feb Thursday (Chinese New Year's Day)

恭 喜 发 材 Gong xi fai cai

Morgan had been practising this new year greeting phrase all of last week. He went on to impress his grandparents and especially his great-grandmother who thought his Mandarin sounded marvellous! That morning my sister and I brought Morgan to walk around our local neighbourhood and to check out the nearest playground.

The back view of my neighbourhood from my block.

Morgan, happy by the playground.


Good to heard that you and Morgan arrived Singapore safely. Thanks for the pretty sleep sack. So far, I only see the smaller size for infants here and have not yet seen such a big size one. Thanks a lot.

I am still trying to deal with breastfeeding issues, since my milk production is low. But Nathan is doing well becuase he takes both formula & breastmilk. I will try 24 hours breastfeeding later on or maybe when we return home.

The postpartum care is pretty terrible at the first 2 weeks here and the owner is just a liar who even do not take care of her own kids well. But the only good advantage so far for us is that we are the only mother & son here for nearly 2 weeks and the other staff is more experience than the owner. So we can get full attentions by now. Soon there will be some other moms & babies come in; and I recoken it could be chaotic. Will see.

Have a good time with your family in Singapore. Send my regards to your family,too.

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