Thursday, March 05, 2009
Bedtime tactics
Bedtime, is mostly for me and Morgan, a bonding session that remains a tranquil one. First, we tidy away the toys, change into our pjs, and go to the toilet. Then proceed to brush teeth and wash face. 2 stories and a lullaby before we both kiss good-night and the lights are out - all is normally ... calm.
When daddy puts him to bed, the scenario is slightly different.
First, they have a little conversation about what should be done first : Morgan wants to brush his teeth but daddy insists that he puts his toys away. So they wrestled for abit. Some shrills and screaming, and then a little crying. Sounds of blocks and train tracks going back into the toy box reluctantly - we know who'd won. Then little marching steps going to the bathroom. Water gushing and then more laughter breaking out excitedly.... . then back to the bedroom where daddy puts on his democratic tone. A little discussion carried on vaguely about the number of stories to have - and finally daddy settled on his favourite Welsh one called "Paid, eliffant, paid!". More dramatic sound effects from daddy's story-telling and especially with the elephant in the story going ... pom-po-lomping away at the end as it splashed into the pool - gives Morgan a really good chance to squeal with delight! By now daddy, who is rather tired and ready for bed himself, is eager for excited little Morgan to fall asleep.
Daddy turns the lights off and shuts the door.
Within 1 minute of the door shutting, a low-siren sounding wail begins ....
We normally ignore ...
Wailing continues to escalate into louder wails.
We continue to ignore .....
The loud wails are now replaced by hysteric screaming.
We try to ignore the screaming ... for as long as we can hold out!
Tactic 1 : ..... THEN, he stops for half a minute before shouting out for daddy or mummy ...
One of us normally goes in to check on him - we assure him that its bedtime and he should be sleeping, NOT shouting in bed. And if we still haven't gone in to see how he's doing ....
Tactic 2 : .... silence for another half a minute before he cries out "Daddy, mae'n hael yn dod mas! mae'n hael yn dod mas!" (which translates to mean 'the sun has come out!' - and that its time we wake up!)
And if we continue to ignore his screaming ...
Tactic 3 : .... he bursts out in such a manner that would make my heart weep - "mummy 我 不 要 睡 觉! 我 不 要 睡 觉!" (translating to 'I don't want to sleep')
And finally if we still do nothing .... his last tactic ....
Tactic 4 : ... as if he's been waiting for this moment for a long time, he summons all his breath and screams at the top of his lungs "mummy, daddy, WAKE UP ... WAKE UP!" with full-on total immense fury for as long as he could - really demanding that his parents get up NOW!
I know it sounds cruel but we were both - trying really hard not to laugh our heads off in bed, it was THAT funny! He woke up with the most terrible sore throat the next morning and almost lost his voice because he'd screamed himself silly.
For the next evening, as soon as he thought of starting to wail away just before falling asleep, we whispered to him quietly that it would be such a better idea to not scream at all .... otherwise, he would lose his voice like the night before. And it works!
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真是有趣的故事,我也叫 Mike 看了,讓他有點心理準備...^__^
我和Nathan 看了 Morgan 幫爸爸泡咖啡的影片,他還要求多看了兩次呢!Morgan 真的越來越可愛!
如我沒聽錯,Morgan 是不是在第二個影片中講了威爾斯語和法文?看來他可真是多語環境.
我在 Facebook 回你的信了,有收到的話,再回我.要不等你生完老二再說吧!
我和Nathan 看了 Morgan 幫爸爸泡咖啡的影片,他還要求多看了兩次呢!Morgan 真的越來越可愛!
如我沒聽錯,Morgan 是不是在第二個影片中講了威爾斯語和法文?看來他可真是多語環境.
我在 Facebook 回你的信了,有收到的話,再回我.要不等你生完老二再說吧!
I love the video clips of Morgan making coffee!!! His bedtime tactics sound very very familiar!!!
Is baby no. 2 here yet??? Keep us updated! All the best :)
Hugs to morgan xx
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Is baby no. 2 here yet??? Keep us updated! All the best :)
Hugs to morgan xx
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